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黄石新港“抗疫生产突击队”: 78人全封闭作业,谱写港口最美“战歌”


In order to resolutely win the fight against the prevention and control of the COVID-19, Huangshi Xingang, a subsidiary of Yantian Port Group, actively responded to the call and set up a 78 person "anti epidemic production commando" led by Party members and cadres on February 17 to enter the port to carry out fully enclosed production operations, prevent the import of the epidemic, ensure the national economy and people's livelihood, and ensure the safe and stable operation of the port


In mid February, the national COVID-19 prevention and control reached the most difficult stage, and various epidemic prevention and control measures in Huangshi, Hubei Province, were also comprehensively upgraded. Huangshi Xingang held a video conference at 17:00 on February 17 based on the principle of "no congestion, no chaos, and good epidemic prevention and production protection". According to the production capacity of enterprises in the hinterland, it comprehensively evaluated the minimum personnel needs and comprehensively promoted closed production


Within 5 hours, 78 business backbones, mainly party members and cadres from all business sectors of the company, set up "anti epidemic production commandos", and stationed in the port area at the first time. Within 18 hours, they urgently coordinated the construction unit to change the workers' plank houses into staff dormitories, and within 24 hours, completed the comprehensive layout of material security, personnel arrangement and production plan during the closed period


At 17:00 on February 18, Huangshi Xingang Port officially opened the closed operation management "anti epidemic production commando". Since its establishment, it has been adopting the management mode of "unified material support, whole process protection, unified production scheduling, and uninterrupted epidemic guidance". 78 commandos have worked together to strictly implement various closed management measures, and effectively achieve the "two hands" of production and epidemic prevention, We will spare no efforts to maintain the people's livelihood of the city and the normal operation of water transportation and logistics of key industrial enterprises



From 8 o'clock every night to 8 o'clock the next morning, the "port area night patrol team" carried out night patrol on time. According to the requirements of 24-hour epidemic prevention and control and safety prevention work in the port area, they carried out at least 6 touch platoon inspections in key areas such as wharf apron, storage yard and gate on the basis of patrolling in the urban security preservation port area according to the division of production areas


In the night of Huangshi new port in early spring, the river breeze was not gentle. "Night walkers" recorded the situation of the port area with their mobile phones, measured the distance of the port area with their feet, and warmed the night with their backs. Since the closed production, Huangshi new port has not seen the entry and exit of outsiders (including crew) and vehicles at night



On February 27, due to the impact of the epidemic on land transportation, Hubei Xinzhi steel company called Huangshi Xingang for "help". The production commando overcame the difficulties of insufficient manpower and the suspension of warehousing services, quickly issued task instructions, and arranged quality assurance, statistics, operation and labor assistance one by one. After 12 hours, it completed 851.7 tons of steel reserves, which was praised by customers


On February 26, the production commandos cooperated with outsourcing units to overcome the difficulty of insufficient logistics vehicles, and completed the loading task of 36 vehicles a day, ensuring the smooth transportation of 2000 tons of Lop River flour to Xinxing pipe industry, effectively ensuring the normal development of production and operation of enterprises in the hinterland. Behind the completion of each task is the precise cooperation and concerted efforts of 78 commandos, all of whom are generalists and "rebels" with multiple functions


As a party member, Wang Minjing took the initiative to undertake the sanitation work in the port area after completing the daily operation of the bucket wheel machine, led the labor workers to clean up the road garbage in the port area and drove a forklift to assist the maintenance master to repair the washing tank; Xie Peng, CFS director troubled by sudden gout, insisted on taking the post with illness and resolutely guaranteed not to fall behind; Forklift driver Zhang Youkun sat in the cab for a long time and worked continuously under overload. Even if the lumbar disc issued a "red warning", he was still "slightly injured but not under the line of fire"; LV Xianji, a veteran, took out his "little skill" after work - to cut hair for the production commandos voluntarily; Tallyman mazuohua and forklift driver dengdaoming of Guosheng company "paired up" to keep an eye on the loading and transportation of goods to ensure the uninterrupted transportation of raw materials and goods


"As long as we can ensure the normal flow of goods, it's worth the hardship and tiredness." this is the wish of every Huangshi Xingang commando to work for 10 hours, 12 hours and 16 hours. This is the true portrayal of every Huangshi Xingang commando. At present, they are brave in fighting the epidemic; In front of production, they bravely assume that all commandos will continue to work hard to build the epidemic prevention front and compose the most beautiful "war song" with selfless dedication

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