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    防疫第一线 党员冲在前——惠盐高速党支部助力深圳构筑防疫“桥头堡”


    With the end of the Spring Festival holiday, Shenzhen ushered in the return peak. In the event of a pneumonia epidemic, the Party branch of Huiyan expressway was brave, responsible and good at fighting, showing its exemplary role as a pioneer. It insisted on being responsible, responsible and conscientious, fulfilled its original mission, bravely became the main force of prevention and control, unified planning and coordination, ensured the smooth flow of the expressway, and took the initiative to contact the Longgang District government, the CDC, the eastern traffic police brigade and the municipal traffic administrative comprehensive law enforcement detachment, Set up Huiyan Expressway joint quarantine stations at Longgang toll station, he'ao toll station and the downstream k3620 section, carry out the epidemic prevention and control action of "checking every car and testing every person", carry out a comprehensive epidemic investigation of passing vehicles and personnel, and build a "bridgehead" for epidemic prevention in Shenzhen



    In the afternoon of the next day, the joint quarantine station set up at the downstream k3620 officially began to operate. Huiyan Expressway Company is responsible for the transformation of temporary roads, the laying of water and electricity, the installation of facilities and other logistics services, escorting working vehicles and special vehicles to the designated location, dynamic warning, rapid handling of traffic accidents, assisting in the safety assurance and construction of the quarantine station, and forming a strong defense line for the prevention and control of epidemic


    In the face of the epidemic, Huiyan Party branch gathered strong positive energy of unity, all-out efforts and overcoming the difficulties, actively cooperated with the requirements of the municipal government for epidemic prevention, strengthened the responsibility, compacted the responsibility system for prevention and control at all levels, led the employees to strengthen their faith, braved difficulties and dangers, rushed forward, worked solidly, and acted as an indispensable gear to promote the operation of the city


    At present, the epidemic prevention work of the joint epidemic prevention station is carried out smoothly and orderly. From 15:00 p.m. on January 27 to 9:00 a.m. on February 3, a total of 69412 vehicles and 247088 people were inspected, and 23 people with abnormal body temperature were flexibly coordinated to ensure the people's livelihood in the city. Before the Spring Festival, in order to ensure the smooth progress of highway transportation during the Spring Festival, Huiyan expressway company set up a leading group to ensure the smoothness of Shenzhen Huiyan expressway toll station and issued a notice to all jurisdictions, It is required to do a good job in "ensuring safety, smoothness and stability", accurately grasp the new changes in the operation of the road network and the new requirements of the smooth traffic task, formulate a targeted Spring Festival transportation work plan, strengthen the efforts to control the overload at the entrance, strengthen the staffing, effectively play a comprehensive coordination role, and ensure that the work responsibilities are implemented to specific personnel


    All stations and teams affiliated to the company set up grass-roots leading groups to arrange 24-hour duty in combination with the work characteristics. The leaders on duty conducted on-site inspections during the holidays, timely commanded the handling of emergencies, unified command and unified arrangement of the Huiyan Expressway Party branch, and required all departments of the company to clarify their responsibilities, make careful arrangements, enhance the awareness of the overall situation, coordinate as a whole, ensure safe production, unblock and ensure smooth traffic, and work together to create an efficient and smooth spring festival transportation



    Due to the fact that the mainland is still on holiday, coupled with the severe epidemic and the extremely complicated quarantine procedures, the number of live pigs supplied to Hong Kong has been significantly affected, resulting in a small amount of pork in the Hong Kong market and high prices. In order to alleviate market pressure and protect the people's livelihood in Hong Kong, on February 1, Huiyan Expressway Company immediately launched an emergency mechanism according to the requirements of the Municipal Transportation Bureau, and sent several members of the road administration team to the scene to urgently coordinate k3620 joint quarantine station and traffic police, Under the premise of legality and compliance, vehicles carrying live pigs for Hong Kong should be quickly inspected and given priority


    Guided and escorted by the road administration law enforcement vehicle, many vehicles carrying live pigs for Hong Kong arrived at Wenjindu port successfully that afternoon. The drivers expressed their gratitude to the staff for the party members' standing ahead and the implementation of epidemic prevention. In order to ensure the health of employees and strictly do a good job in epidemic prevention and control, the Party branch of Huiyan expressway will determine the special period of epidemic prevention and control of the company from the date of the establishment of the epidemic prevention and control leading group to the end of the epidemic, Put the safety and health of employees first, and take epidemic prevention and control as the most important work at present


    Hua Xiang, the Secretary of the Party branch, stuck to his post, commanded ahead, presided over a special meeting, deployed epidemic prevention measures, and required that all emergency preparations must be fully done in accordance with the principle of "preferring to believe in the big, not the small", so as to implement epidemic prevention and control measures to specific units, specific posts, specific personnel, and specific details


    "In the face of the epidemic, we should play a good first hand and take the initiative, and we must not have a temporary attitude of cramming and watching while walking." Hua Xiang repeatedly asked party members of the branch to seriously do the ideological work of employees, be close and backbone of employees, stabilize emotions, enhance confidence, do not believe rumors, do not spread rumors, and strengthen the awareness of epidemic prevention and control



    The Party branch of Huiyan Expressway strengthens unified command, force scheduling, resource allocation, takes effective measures to ensure material supply, and effectively protect front-line employees. The company uses all its strength to purchase and distribute epidemic prevention supplies such as masks, disinfectants, hand sanitizers, alcohol, thermometers, atomizers, etc., organizes employees to carry out training, and issues prevention and control guidelines, prevention and control knowledge manuals and other materials, so as to further enhance employees' awareness of prevention and standardize the use of protective supplies; Carry out comprehensive disinfection and sterilization in the workplace, disinfect the toll booth with disinfectant every 1 hour, and disinfect the CPC cards recovered from Hubei vehicles at the manual ticket window of MTC lane to prevent secondary infection; Strengthen the self-protection of staff. In addition to requiring that they must wear masks, each toll booth, each dormitory, office, canteen, internal security and assistant police post and toilet in each jurisdiction are equipped with disinfectant, hand sanitizer and sulfur soap. Staff are required to wash their hands frequently. Front line workers on duty must wash their hands with hand sanitizer every 30 minutes and disinfect them with hand sanitizer free gel; Set up temperature detection, implement closed management for the four jurisdictions, prohibit outsiders from entering, and employees must measure their temperature on and off duty


    Where the task is dangerous, there will be strong and powerful work of the party organization, and where Party members will set an example as pioneers. Now, the Communist Party members of Huiyan expressway are still firmly standing in the front line of epidemic prevention and control, carrying forward the spirit of fearing difficulties and dangers and selfless dedication. They rely on the people closely, unite as one, go all out, resolutely win, and will win the battle of epidemic prevention and control in early 2020

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