1. 九游会J9·(china)官方网站-真人游戏第一品牌

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      The participating experts and representatives listened to and reviewed the reports and materials on engineering design, construction, construction and supervision in detail, and agreed that the project passed the completion acceptance after on-site inspection. Dongyanze, director of the port and Waterway Management Office of the Municipal Bureau of transport, said at the meeting that Shenzhen port is the port with the largest number of berths with shore power facilities in the country. The municipal government has introduced measures such as the Interim Measures for the management of subsidy funds for green and low-carbon port construction in recent years, We strongly support the Shenzhen port ship shore power project, and hope that the port and relevant units will actively promote the connection of ships to shore power and actively participate in the construction of green ports



      During the test and operation period, the shore power facility successfully provided shore power for three berthing ships, and the duration of each continuous power supply was about 10 hours. During the test period, all parameters met the design requirements, fully met the needs of the ship, and fully reflected the stability, reliability and safety of the shore power system in Dachan Bay

      转载于:http://www.ytport.com/xwzx/jtxw/201912/t20191210_6908.html 如涉及侵权,请直接联系我们删除,谢谢!