
    lisa:18682480217 shadow:17322336538 繁體中文 English


    11月27日—30日,大铲湾边检站站长王庆平、副站长谢崇法,盐田港建设指挥部副总指挥李群率队赴广西省三江县同乐乡高岜村开展 “党建+扶贫”活动28日,扶贫组参加了村篮球场民生工程项目验收暨启用仪式


    On the same day, the poverty alleviation Group donated school supplies and living materials to Gaoba primary school. On the 29th, the poverty alleviation group visited families with difficulties, visited ecological planting and breeding industries such as oil tea plantations and rice fish ponds, and had in-depth exchanges with the special class of the National Immigration administration in Sanjiang for poverty alleviation. It is reported that the port construction headquarters and dachanwan border inspection station have jointly innovated the poverty alleviation model and deeply integrated party building and poverty alleviation. In the early stage, they have cooperated to carry out thematic donations A series of work including helping poor students in pairs, joint creation and construction of branches, and helping migrant workers obtain employment

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