1. 九游会J9·(china)官方网站-真人游戏第一品牌

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    In order to conscientiously implement the national, provincial and municipal requirements on strengthening the work safety deployment during the special protection period of "risk prevention and security to welcome Daqing", from September 16 to 30, the leading group of Yantian Port Group led teams to go deep into subordinate enterprises to carry out a special inspection on work safety for holiday safety, emergency response plan for emergencies, control of key parts and key links, etc



    Sun Bo went to the construction site of the Huiyan expressway expansion project of the joint-stock company, mainly inspected the implementation of various safety measures on site, and put forward requirements for the safety management of the project construction: first, strengthen the safety production concept of "the party and the government share the same responsibility and one post has double responsibilities", and pay close attention to the implementation of the main responsibility of safety production; Second, investigate unstable factors in time to ensure the stability of the safety production situation of the project; Third, do a good job of emergency duty during the special protection period and the National Day holiday to ensure that all kinds of emergencies can be handled in a timely and effective manner; Fourth, fully promote the establishment of "safe construction site" of Huiyan expansion project, and effectively improve the intrinsic safety level of project construction


    Then the inspection team went to the tunnel company and focused on the duty arrangement, emergency management and operation of fire-fighting facilities during the National Day holiday. Sun Bo stressed that the tunnel company should fully recognize the pivotal role of Wutong Mountain Tunnel in traffic safety management, normalize safety inspection, ensure the normal operation of the safety functions of tunnel facilities, strengthen communication and coordination with relevant departments, and establish a linkage mechanism to ensure the safety and smoothness of the tunnel



    He stressed that all staff should always maintain a good mental state, adhere to the work of production safety, and keep the alarm bell ringing, and there should be no slightest carelessness; Production should be carried out in accordance with the law, non-standard operations should be avoided, and the operation site should be cleaned up in time. At the same time, Liu Nan'an asked about the duty arrangement and emergency duty preparation of Dachan Bay during the National Day holiday, and asked Dachan Bay Company to do a good job in safety emergency work, improve the emergency plan, and make preparations for emergency disposal of vehicles, equipment, materials, etc


    From September 16 to 30, group leaders Ye Zhongxiao, Wang Yan, Qiao Hongwei, Li Qun, Xiao Mingjun, Chen Biao, etc. also went to subordinate units and key engineering projects for safety inspection. Xiao Mingjun stressed that all units should conscientiously perform the main responsibility of safety production in accordance with the requirements of group leaders, and do a good job in various safety precautions, so that safety production is always in a "controllable, under control, and controllable" state, Create a safe and peaceful environment for Daqing, the 70th anniversary of the founding of new China

    转载于:http://www.ytport.com/xwzx/jtxw/201909/t20190930_6820.html 如涉及侵权,请直接联系我们删除,谢谢!