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拖轮公司改名深圳市华舟海洋发展股份有限公司 股份制改造和上市筹备工作取得重要进展


On January 21, Shenzhen Huazhou Ocean Development Co., Ltd. (formerly Shenzhen Yantian tugboat Co., Ltd.) held its founding meeting and the first general meeting of shareholders in 2022, the first meeting of the first board of directors and the first meeting of the first board of supervisors. This meeting marked important progress in the joint-stock reform and listing preparation of Huazhou ocean company



The meeting also elected the members of the first board of directors, board of supervisors and senior managers of Shenzhen Huazhou Ocean Development Co., Ltd. and established a perfect organizational structure of listed companies as required. The establishment of Huazhou ocean is a powerful measure to closely follow the group's plan, continuously promote reform and innovation, strengthen capital operation, and promote the integrated development of industry and capital. It is an important milestone in the development of the group's tugboat business


It is reported that after the joint-stock reform, Huazhou ocean will promote the listing work as soon as possible, take the port and shipping business as the core, expand the upstream and downstream industrial chain, strive to build the first listing platform of the national tugboat industry, and achieve good results again, so as to provide strong support for the high-quality development of the group's main business and the implementation of the "port city" integration development

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