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Old industrial cities show new faces


What is the motivation of Huangshi to build a modern port city? How did Huangshi Xingang achieve the goal of building a large logistics and opening-up pattern? How did Huangshi make efforts? With these questions, Hubei Daily all media reporters went to Huangshi to find answers and launched a series of reports on "Huangshi Xingang reform and exploration". Please pay attention to farmers Ding Fengxia who finished harvesting rape in qipanzhou East Lake Village, 13 kilometers away from Huangshi City in May 2015, Put the farm tools into the side room and never took them out again



"First class ports, direct shipping by foreign ships, multimodal transport, new seaports on the Yangtze River..." Huangshi cadres went out to attract investment and frequently played out the new business card of "Huangshi new port", which was placed on the Dongbei compressor, the world's first single product in chessboard. When loading and unloading in Huangshi old port, the dust entered, the goods were transported to Europe, and the orderer opened the case for inspection, returned the goods on the spot, and filed a huge claim


The accident happened six years ago, which made the compressor of Huangshi Dongbei leave Shanghai port. At that time, Huangshi port, the old state-owned port, was old and overburdened, and the contradiction between the port and the city became increasingly prominent: the flow of people, vehicles and freight occupied the urban space, forming a traffic bottleneck; The production pollution and noise of the port disturb the residents, and the people have a strong response. On the 79 km coastline of the Yangtze River in Huangshi, there are more than 100 small wharves, which operate disorderly and discharge pollutants wantonly, stirring up the chaos along the Yangtze River


"A gray lid on the head and a pile of coal dregs at the foot", the port advantage that once made Huangshi people proud has become a lock in transformation that stuck at the throat of the city. For Huangshi, both development needs and the environment forced the "resource exhausted city" to blur the glory of the "mining and metallurgy city". The mines are getting deeper and deeper day by day, the resources are getting less and less day by day, and the regional GDP is declining all the way from the throne of "Huang Laoer", Once there was negative growth


Where does the transformation start? Is it to give up the port ecology and find a new way, or to find another good port and prosper the city with the port along the Yangtze River downstream? A place called qipanzhou is about 13 kilometers downstream of Huangshi urban area. Enter the vision of decision makers to see the natural conditions. The water depth of qipanzhou is 7 meters all year round, and the water depth can reach about 20 meters in wet seasons. The coastline is straight, the riverbed is stable, and 10000 ton ships can be docked. The water depth condition is the best in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River


Looking at the location factors, the land area behind qipanzhou is 600 to 1300 meters deep, which is an undeveloped zone, which is conducive to the agglomeration of port industries. More importantly, qipanzhou is located at the core of Huangshi's external logistics channel, and is an important logistics node connecting Anhui, Jiangsu, Zhejiang to the lower reaches of Shanghai, as well as Chongqing, Sichuan and the upper reaches of the Yangtze River



Introduce who will operate the newly built port of Yantian port. While promoting the construction of the wharf, the Huangshi Municipal Party committee and government have been thinking about "jumping out of Hubei and looking for strategic partners from all over the country and even the world, so that Huangshi new port can stand out in the construction of the Yangtze River Economic Belt". After repeated research, the municipal Party committee and government decided to "date" with many internationally renowned port and shipping enterprises such as Shanghai port, Ningbo port, Qingdao port, Yantian port and so on, Finally "love" Shenzhen Yantian Port Group


In four years, 44 rounds of negotiations impressed yishihong, general manager of Huangshi Transportation Investment Group Co., Ltd. "the process was extremely difficult, but the problem of red faced sweating was eliminated during the negotiation, and then it went exceptionally smoothly." on November 18, 2014, Huangshi signed a contract with Shenzhen Yantian Port Group, and the construction of Xingang started the "Shenzhen speed": 10 days later, Huangshi Xingang Port Co., Ltd. was registered and landed, and the preparatory team of the company was stationed; Within half a month, Yantian Port's 100million yuan start-up fund was in place


"Huangshi speed" matched it. Land acquisition was completed within four months. "Three supplies and one leveling" in the summer of 2015, the riverside heat wave was rolling, and the members of Xingang preparatory group and construction workers ate and lived in the iron house without air conditioning. Li Lei, the business manager who jumped from Laogang to Xingang, said frankly, "at the most difficult time, seven people came together and left two people


”From equipment selection to operation process, from cost control to environmental protection standards, the decision makers of Xingang company are first-class in benchmarking and bold in innovation. Li Anmin, chairman of Xingang Port Co., Ltd., said, "operating inland ports according to the standards of ports, our goal is 100 million tons of ports and 1 million standard containers." in Shenzhen, there are two famous sculptures: the "wild ox" at the gate of the municipal government and the "breaking the rules" at the gate of the museum


This is the concentrated embodiment of the "Shenzhen spirit" and the shock and Enlightenment brought by Yantian port to Huangshi. Wang Guodong, director of the Management Committee of Xingang (logistics) Industrial Park, "building a first-class port, a first-class port and a first-class Park", issued a mobilization order. The park was screwed up and down into a rope, innovative thinking and hard work. The small village turned into a new port city, driving "Huangshi made" today's qipanzhou port, with a 7.7-kilometer long river coastline, The nine berths on the huge land and water wharf are lined up along the river, with crane towers, ships and vehicles shuttling, and the handling of coal, ore, steel, containers and other goods is orderly and continuous



In the first half of this year, the actual cargo throughput was 8.05 million tons, and the containers were 40000 TEUs, an increase of 60% year-on-year. It ranked sixth among the ports in the middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze River. The multimodal transport business opened in September 2017 has achieved the only seamless connection of molten iron in a full sense in the middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze River. More than 2700 TEUs were completed last year, and nearly 9000 TEUs were completed in the first half of this year


The rapid development of the wharf transportation capacity has brought about the explosive growth of the "big in and big out" port industry. A number of projects, such as Jingbei Yuguang complementary power generation, COFCO high-tech premix processing, Baowu iron and steel refined plate, have been completed and put into operation, and the goods have been continuously transported into the wharf. The municipal government's policy of "returning to the city and entering the park" has enabled more projects to "target" Xingang Park, Xingang heavy industry refined plate Daye Nonferrous high-purity cathode copper cleaner production and green casting of emerging pipe industry have signed contracts to enter the park, with a total planned investment of about 60billion yuan


On July 3, Li Lei took out the operation schedule of the day. The reporter saw that a cargo ship from Anhui had been waiting for three days. "The port phase II project is under construction and will be put into operation at the end of this year. At that time, six berths will be added." the Baowu thin coated board phase I project department, which is less than 5 kilometers away from the port, has the same anxiety as the project leader Zhu Ming


The building color coated sheet production line is becoming more and more mature, and the second home appliance color coated sheet production line is about to be launched. "Orders are very saturated, and I hope logistics can be faster." in Huangshi City, 30 kilometers away, nine industries, such as printed circuit boards, tooling and dies, copper processing, clothing processing, have accelerated their gathering, brewing a new round of explosion after the full completion of Xingang

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