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On December 8, the commencement of the container terminal project in the East operation area of Yantian Port marked the official start of the construction of automated terminals in the East operation area of Yantian port, and also marked a crucial step towards the construction of a port based national logistics hub in Shenzhen. Deng Feibo, deputy secretary of the CPC Yantian District Committee and head of Yantian District, Liu Nanan, President of Yantian Port Group, cenqicheng, director and general manager of Yantian international, as well as the city Leaders of relevant competent departments of the district industry and port joint inspection units, senior executives of Yantian Port Group and Yantian international attended the ceremony



The project plans to be equipped with empty container yards, port facilities, workboat bases and marine industry bases. In the long term, it plans to build a port dredging railway, and vigorously promote the construction of digital terminals. It will take the construction of automated terminals as an opportunity to build the East operation area into the world's best and world-class smart green container terminal. The construction of the East operation area project will further improve the service capacity of multiple super large ships berthing at the same time in Yantian port area, Improving the route density, enhancing the comprehensive service capacity of modern shipping industry, consolidating the status of Yantian Port as the main hub port in South China and Shenzhen port as the global container trunk port, will also further optimize the layout of the port group in Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Bay area, enhance the comprehensive service function of Shenzhen international shipping, strengthen the international competitiveness of Shenzhen port, and become an important platform and pioneer force for Shenzhen to build a global marine center city and develop the marine economy



Zeng Jianpeng, member of the Standing Committee of Yantian District Party committee and deputy head of Yantian District, said that the Yantian east port operation area project is a key project of the national "14th five year plan" and the planning and construction of infrastructure interconnection in Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay District, which is related to the future. Based on the positioning of "international shipping hub and offshore trade center" given by the municipal Party committee and government to Yantian District, the district Party committee and government will firmly grasp the major historical opportunities such as "double zone" drive, "double zone" superposition, "double reform" demonstration, Fully promote the construction of the core area of the global marine central city, actively help Yantian port to build a world-class port and the core hub of the bay area, and contribute new strength to Shenzhen to build a global marine central city

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