• 九游会J9·(china)官方网站-真人游戏第一品牌

    lisa:18682480217 shadow:17322336538 繁體中文 English



    On November 3, Shenzhen's first foreign trade blockchain electronic delivery platform held a launching ceremony in Yantian port. The project uses blockchain platform technology, which is the first pilot project of Shenzhen's import paperless delivery project. It can realize the "paperless" of the whole process of import delivery and "zero delay" of operation, which is a milestone in promoting the business intelligence of Yantian port



    At the same time, by establishing a credible document circulation system, the platform simplifies the operation of document review and replacement, and greatly improves the operation efficiency. The average processing time of port and shipping documents for major imported e-commerce goods is shortened from 2 days to less than 4 hours

    转载于:http://www.ytport.com/xwzx/jtxw/202111/t20211111_8180.html 如涉及侵权,请直接联系我们删除,谢谢!