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    On January 16, 2020, Yantian Port Group held a grand 2019 work summary and commendation conference and workers' Congress, learned the special party lesson of inspection and rectification, comprehensively summarized the key work in 2019, deployed the 2020 business objectives, tasks and work plans, and commended the advanced collectives and excellent individuals in 2019



    In 2019, the Group actively responded to the impact of external adverse factors, took timely and effective measures to overcome difficulties, went all out to promote growth and maintain objectives, exceeded all business indicators issued by the municipal SASAC throughout the year, achieved a new leap in business scale and operating efficiency, and achieved a substantial increase in annual operating revenue, with operating revenue of 2.689 billion yuan, an increase of 79% year-on-year, and completed 103% of the annual budget, creating the best record in history


    The total annual profit reached 1.504 billion yuan, completing 105% of the annual budget. The annual container throughput of the group system reached 14.42 million TEUs, of which the Yantian port area exceeded 10million TEUs for 10 consecutive years. The scale and efficiency of a single port area continued to rank among the top in the world. By the end of 2019, the total assets of the group were 32 billion yuan, an increase of 7% over the beginning of the year; The value preservation and appreciation rate of state-owned assets reached 105%, the scale of assets accelerated growth, and the asset structure became more reasonable



    Hubei Huangshi new port completed the second phase of six berths, the third phase of the project was successfully started, the entry grain supervision site and the port were successfully opened and accepted, the cargo throughput exceeded 20 million tons for the first time, achieving 20.73 million tons, an increase of 64% year-on-year, Huizhou Tsuen Wan port entered full operation, the coal throughput reached 4.08 million tons, and Hunan Jinshi port quickly established an operation team, strengthened internal management, strengthened business development, and the throughput reached 280000 tons


    In addition, supporting businesses went hand in hand. Logistics, tugboats, real estate, roads, oil products, asset leasing and other businesses continued to tap potential and increase efficiency. Five enterprises, including dachanwan, logistics, gas stations, information and tunnels, achieved a substantial increase in profits. The sales amount of real estate companies reached 1.589 billion yuan. Tugboat companies completed business integration, strengthened market expansion, joint-stock companies improved the quality of highway operation, and the traffic of Huiyan Expressway increased by 2.4% year-on-year


    Liu Nan'an said that in 2019, all cadres and employees worked together and made good achievements. The group made solid progress in various key work, and achieved preliminary results in promoting strategic transformation, developing marine industry, accelerating industrial transformation, revitalizing land resources, and promoting the reform of state-owned enterprises, including the construction of automated wharfs, the port layout of Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Great Bay area, the joint development of Yangtze River ports, the inland port industry city integration project New breakthroughs have been made in overseas projects


    "2020 is the closing year of achieving the first Centennial goal, building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way and the 13th five year plan. It is also the 40th anniversary of the establishment of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone. It is both a decisive period and a critical period. It is of great significance to do a good job in the work throughout the year." Liu Nan'an stressed that in 2020, the group should comprehensively strengthen party building, do a good job in the development of the three industrial sectors of ports, supporting facilities and industrial and urban development, strengthen capital operation, and do a good job in the reform of state-owned enterprises, Strengthen internal management and go all out to ensure the full completion of annual business objectives and the successful conclusion of the 13th five year plan



    ”Sun Bo said that while seeing the achievements, we should clearly understand the complex new situation faced by the current group and clearly calibrate the development direction under the new situation. Sun Bo pointed out that in 2019, the group carried out extensive research activities, went deep into subordinate enterprises to collect suggestions, actively planned new positioning and new ideas for the transformation and development of the New Era Group, and put forward new ideas for the development of the integrated layout around "ports, districts and cities"


    In terms of "port", it will become a comprehensive service provider of public terminals; In terms of "district", build a comprehensive service provider for port industry; In terms of "city", building a comprehensive service provider of industry city integration guided by the marine industry has been repeatedly polished and verified by many parties, which shows that the development direction of building a comprehensive sea related economy through the integrated development of port, industry and city is correct


    Sun Bo said that Yantian Port Group, as a state-owned enterprise related to the sea in Shenzhen, has strong advantages in resources, platforms, brands, teams and other aspects. To promote the group to further improve, strengthen and expand, the focus is on working methods. The group should give full play to its comprehensive advantages, find the entry point, find suitable partners, and truly promote the transformation and development of the group by building a comprehensive platform, introducing development factors, and promoting capital operation


    At the same time, all levels of the group need to maintain a "high" and "fast" pace of development at all times, promote high-quality development with high standards, optimize methods, improve efficiency, and make all work move forward quickly. Sun Bo stressed that the key to accelerating the pace of development of the group, becoming an enabling platform for Shenzhen's marine industry, and achieving the goal of integrating the world and strengthening the sea lies in team building


    He put forward three requirements for the construction of the group's cadre team: first, be loyal to the party and adhere to the party's leadership over state-owned enterprises; Be loyal to the country and integrate economic benefits with political and social benefits; To be loyal to state-owned enterprises and institutions, we should always safeguard the collective interests and establish the idea of "a game of chess". Second, we should be clean, behave and discipline, pay close attention to inspection and rectification, and accurately use the "four forms" to grasp the early and small


    Third, we should be leaders at all levels. We should dare to be responsible, strengthen unity and cooperation, and stress feelings and incentives. "Talent is the first resource for enterprise development. I always believe that first-class enterprises must have a first-class talent security system. When the enterprise develops, we should also give employees room for development, so that they can work comfortably, at ease, at ease, and have no worries at home."


    At the same time, creating more development opportunities also requires everyone's joint efforts to constantly expand new businesses and expand new development space. "Sun Bo said that in 2020, the group will establish a comprehensive talent security system to stimulate the work enthusiasm of talent cadres and the entrepreneurial enthusiasm of officials, so as to provide strong support for the all-round development of the group


    At the meeting, Xu Ning, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the group and chairman of the board of supervisors, gave a special party lesson on patrol and rectification. He stressed that all employees should have "shame", "awe" and "responsibility". They should benchmark advanced benchmarks, take shame as a negative teaching material, draw inferences from one instance, constantly improve the entrepreneurial spirit of officers, strictly observe the bottom line of probity, effectively improve the consciousness and ability of legal compliance, earnestly perform their duties and fulfill their duties, and do a solid job in patrol and rectification


    The meeting read out the 2019 Group advanced collective and excellent individual recognition decision, and the group leaders issued certificates of awards to the commended advanced collective and excellent individual representatives respectively

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